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Track assets with our QR tags that are available to you today. Simply associate your asset (lift truck, dock, door, battery, etc.) with the Tinnacity QR tags using our Scan iT app and you are ready to go. These tags are scannable by your service technician (Service iT) and your customer. Your customers can request service directly to you with a simple scan on their mobile device camera (no app needed). Quick, easy, and accurate service request information at your customer’s fingertips!
Empower Techs
Engage Customers
Simplify Troubleshooting
Accurate Equipment Information
Elevate your Dealership
Asset Information
Service Hisotry
Open Work Order
Create Work Order
Service Request
Inventory Tracking
Customer Portal Access (available in Q2)
QR Assign
Easily assign QR codes to your equipment, then attach the QR asset tags to the equipment.
Inventory Check
Inventory Check allows you to scan a QR Code to 'check in' the equipment, to submit a request to move the equipment from current location to another, or submit that the equipment cannot be found at the current location.
We just don't build products to build them. We build solutions to address the needs in the equipment service market and to provide a helping hand to those that may not have resources at their fingertips to solve. If we help make our clients successful, then we will be successful. We are more than an app....we are a solution!
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